Environment and Health: a phone-in media health program

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On the morning of Monday 11 January 2016, we had a live phone-in programme on Environment and its Impact on Health, Swasthya Sanjinivi, on the State-run Radio Channel that went on air 7:05 AM. It is a widely popular and old radio channel with a loyal and dedicated audience.

Dr. Naresh Gupta and dr. TK Joshi, both from Health Environment Foundation took on all the questions and opinions from a dozen callers on varied issues on Environment and its health Impact in their own regions- be it rural or the suburban population from the States bordering Delhi.

The issues were wide ranging and interesting such as the one on pollution of thought. It was indeed a pleasure to be part of this and interact in this manner with common man from the interiors with their awareness and interest in environment and health.

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